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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Notice describes how Dartford Foodbank use, disclose, transfer, store, retain or otherwise process your information, whether provided through the website, or acquired directly by any other means. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (“the PECR”) relating to electronic communications, which jointly will be referred to as “the Law”.
By continuing to browse and use this website you are accepting the terms and conditions of use, which govern Dartford Foodbank's relationship with you.

Whenever “We", "Dartford Foodbank", “Our” or “Us” is used in this Policy, it is referring to your relationship with and an obligation or right, in Dartford Foodbank.
“Data Controller” is the entity that determines the purpose for which personal data is collected and processed, which for the purpose of this policy is Dartford Foodbank.
“Data Processor” is the entity processing personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, which for the purpose of this policy is Dartford Foodbank.
“Personal Data” is any information about a living individual, which allows them to be identified, such as a name, email or photograph and can identify them alone or in conjunction with other information.
Dartford Foodbank takes your privacy very seriously and this Policy has been adopted as it recognises the right of people to keep their personal information private.
By providing Personal Data, including by use of this website, you agree to allow us to contact you, including by mail, email, telephone or SMS text message, in connection with our charitable purposes:
for our legitimate interests, in accordance with current data protection regulations; or
based on the consents you have given.

If at any point you would like to change your preferences and:
you do not wish to receive further communications from the Dartford Foodbank you attend or previously attended; OR
you wish to change the way you receive any communication
follow the procedure under Your Rights below.
If you disagree with any part of this policy, please do not provide Personal Data to us and do not use the website.

Personal Data is collected each time you are in contact with us, for example, when you:
visit the website (see the Cookies Policy);
donate to the Dartford Foodbank;
register to use Dartford Foodbank, or for a conference or a Church event;
apply for a job or volunteer at the Dartford Foodbank;
provide your contact details, in writing or orally, to Dartford Foodbank staff or volunteers;
purchase goods or services from Dartford Foodbank (through the website, or directly from the Dartford Foodbank), and when you provide credit or debit card details;
participate in other Dartford Foodbank or Church activities e.g. Groups;
contact us by means such as email, text, letter, telephone;
have face to face meetings with staff and volunteers;
access social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram;
register with and grant permission to provide the Dartford Foodbank with access to your personal data, and give consent to be contacted by Dartford Foodbank.

Personal Information
The types of personal information collected by us include:
personal details such as your title, name and date of birth;
contact details such as postal address, post code, email, mobile and telephone numbers;
when relevant to our mission, demographic information such as marital status, nationality, education, employment/qualifications and family details;
financial information such as donation history and your bank details;
whether you are a tax payer in the place where the Dartford Foodbank is registered;
spouse and family details when you jointly volunteer, register for events, and/or register your children for any reason at Dartford Foodbank;
non-financial information such as passports, driving licences and financial information such as salary records, tax codes and expenses claims;
employee and volunteer data such as qualifications, languages and experience;
records of your contact with us;
photographs provided by you or taken at Dartford Foodbank services or events;
visits to the website to enable Dartford Foodbank to improve its effectiveness and better promote Dartford Foodbank services and events.
Sensitive/Special Category Personal Information
We may collect and store sensitive personal information (Special Category Information under GDPR) such as:
health information provided during pastoral meetings;
health information to assist attendance at Dartford Foodbank services and events;

We collect information about you for a variety of uses based on different reasons. For example, some of the information is to register for activities or events, or we are required by law and regulations to collect and process information about you, and at other times we consider it is in our legitimate charitable interest to collect and process information.
Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the Law. It is never sold, nor given away. It is only shared with others where you have given consent or where it is permitted or required either contractually or legally.
We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without first seeking your consent, unless authorised or required by law.
Generally, uses of your personal information based on our legitimate charitable interests and on your consent may include:
keeping you informed as to Dartford Foodbank services, activities, events, resources and conferences;
to promote the interests of Dartford Foodbank, its Christian mission and its charitable objects;
to manage employees and volunteers;
to fundraise and process donations and related statutory rights and obligations;
to establish and maintain your involvement with us, events you have attended, what areas and activities of the Dartford Foodbank you have supported, record and acknowledge any donation, to provide the products or services you have requested;
to answer an inquiry or request for further information or complaint about us, our services, activities and events;
to register you for events, conferences and provide the services requested;
to carry out analysis and market research and improve our website and communications, for example by matching anonymised user’s data with social media sites such as Facebook to better understand people’s interests;
to assist Dartford Foodbank to provide services and products more valuable to those involved in Dartford Foodbank;
to improve our ability to assist Dartford Foodbank's attendees and the wider community;
to assist Dartford Foodbank with management and administrative purposes such as accounting, credit/debit card payments, anti-fraud measures, maintenance and development.
Legal Basis for Using Your Personal Information
We will only process your personal information where we have a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will depend on the reason or reasons we collected and need to use your information. Under the Law in almost all cases the legal basis will be:
because it is in our legitimate interest as registered charitable and Christian religious entities to use your personal information to operate and improve our service as Dartford Foodbank;
to fulfil any contractual relationship we have with you in relation to provision of products or services, such as registration at events;
because you have consented to Dartford Foodbank using your information for a particular purpose;
because we need to use your personal information to comply with a legal obligation, such as protection and welfare of individuals;
to protect the vital interests of you or another person, for example, in pastoral situations;
to process sensitive/ special category personal data that is relevant to us as a not for profit religious organization;
where you have given consent for us to contact you by email, phone or SMS, to send you information and marketing communications.

Information you provide electronically, including through this website, may be held on computers in Dartford Foodbank locations and on servers in the UK, the EEA and the USA .
Information you provide in paper form, such as: new member forms, letters or recorded in meetings with staff or volunteers, may be transferred to secure virtual systems or stored in secure physical filing systems.
Subject to compliance with our data management policies and procedures, and in compliance with the above Data Protection Principles, information may be accessed, used and stored:
on computers in Dartford Foodbank’s servers based in the UK,EEA and the US ; and
by a limited number of staff or key volunteers under a duty of confidentiality who are involved in development, maintenance and operation of the website (, or the services provided through them, or who act for us for the uses set out in this policy, or other purposes approved by you. Those parties may also process information, fulfil and deliver orders, process credit card payments and provide support services to us.
Third-party service providers may process information, fulfil and deliver orders, process donations and credit card payments, and provide support services on our behalf. Where such details are shared, agreements in place restrict the use of your information to the purpose for which it is provided and ensure it is stored securely and in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.
One of our main providers is MailChimp, which provides email communication services and is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework approved by the European Commission.
We do not sell or pass any of your personal information to any other organisation and/or individuals without your express consent, unless required by law.
Financial Records and Card Details:
All financial payments and records are held in accordance with The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (“PCI DSS”).
All credit/debit card donations made online or by phone, are made securely through third party service providers and payment gateways, which comply with the PCI DSS.
We do not store unredacted financial details (credit or debit card numbers) obtained through online transactions nor do we pass any information to third parties, except where we are legally required to do so, to assist fraud reduction, or to provide a service requested and minimise credit risks.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is required and in accordance with the Law and other legal requirements.
If you have indicated that you no longer wish to hear from us, we will keep the minimum information necessary to ensure that no future contact is made.
However, even after you modify your communication preferences, we may retain copies of information about you for a period of time that is consistent with applicable law, applicable statute of limitations or as we believe is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law, regulation, or legal process.
Where we hold Sensitive Category Personal Information, unless we have evidence of your regular contact with us or we are required by law to retain, the sensitive information will be deleted after a period of two (2) years.

We use various technologies to collect information when you access or use, including placing a piece of data, commonly referred to as a “cookie” on your device. Cookies are small data files that are stored on your hard drive or in your device memory when you visit a website or view a message. By using, you permit us to collect and use your information from activity on devices you use in accordance with this Privacy Notice. For more information and to learn how to block or delete cookies used on, please see our Cookie Policy.

Personal Information
Where you have provided your consent to us processing your personal data, you may withdraw this consent at any time. In addition, the Law gives you the right, under certain circumstances:
to request in writing and securely obtain copies of the personal information we hold about you;
to correct or update your personal information held by us;
to request us to stop using your personal information for marketing purposes or for any other purpose where there is no legal requirement for continued processing;
to object to profiling activities based on our legitimate interest;
to request to have all personal data deleted (in the EEA only). To exercise any of these rights please contact our data protection officer at .
Please tell Dartford Foodbank as soon as any of your contact details change so that records can be kept up to date.
We will take reasonable steps to correct any of your information, which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please contact Dartford Foodbank, and wherever practicable that information will be deleted.
A request to access, amend or delete your personal information may be refused in certain circumstances. If refused, you will be provided with a reason for the decision and, in the case of amendment, will note with your personal information that its accuracy is disputed.
Marketing Communications
The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) gives you the right:
to choose whether to receive marketing communication from us by email, text or telephone;
to know about the cookies Dartford Foodbank uses, so that you can decide whether to give permission to store a cookie on your device. Please see the Cookies Policy on
You can change the way you are contacted, or the kind of material sent to you, at any time by contacting us by mail or e-mail using the contact details below.
Modifying Your Preferences
You will have the opportunity to decline to accept communications at any time and discontinue receiving such communication by:
following the instructions to “unsubscribe” on any email or text communication received from Dartford Foodbank;
emailing dartfordfoodbank@gmailcom;

If you would like any further information, or have any queries, problems or complaints relating to the Privacy Policy or our information handling practices in general, please contact us:

Dartford Foodbank

43 Spital Street Church

Spital Street

Dartford, DA1 2DX

Tel: 07434 811053


If you are not content with our response to your complaint, you may request that the UK Information Commissioner’s Office investigate the matter further by contacting:
Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline: 0303 123 1113
Reasonable steps will be taken to keep secure any personal information, which is held.
Personal information, held electronically or in physical filing systems, are stored in a secure server or secure files.
Security measures are taken to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage.
This website may also include links to other websites or may provide social media buttons, permitting sharing web content directly to a social media platform, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and YouTube.
We do not endorse social media website(s) and have no responsibility for the content unless posted by or approved by us nor are we responsible for the cookies such websites may contain.
Use of such buttons or links is at your own risk and you must verify authenticity of sites before posting or providing personal information on such sites.
We do not ask for passwords or personal details on social media.
Websites such as Vimeo and YouTube are used to embed videos on the website and service providers such as Brushfire, MailChimp and Google Analytics may send their own cookies via this site. Please look at the cookie and privacy policies on these third-party sites if you want more information about this.
This website may also contain sponsored links and adverts. These may typically be through related Dartford Foodbank, partner ministries or service providers, who may have their own detailed privacy policies.

Any documents or files made available to download from our website are provided at users’ own risk.

Dartford Foodbank may amend this Policy from time to time to reflect changes in best practice, security and control and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments to the Law or other applicable legislation in the EEA. Any amended version will be available on the website. We suggest you visit regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

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